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Tim Thompson’s Revolutionary Fencestay Products: Transforming Rural Fencing with Fencestay, Whites and Hand Tools

Tim Thompson is a name synonymous with innovation in the world of rural and farm fencing. In this article, we delve into his use of the revolutionary Fencestay products to create robust all-metal fences using only hand tools. Thompson’s expertise and ingenious techniques have transformed the way fences are built, combining efficiency, durability, and safety…

Fencestay: Simplifying Fencing for Agriculture – A Personal Testimonial

In the world of agriculture, managing fencing, pest control, and livestock can be a demanding and time-consuming task. However, thanks to innovative products like Fencestay, the burden has been significantly lightened for farmers like Daniel Signorotto, a personal agricultural contractor and enthusiast who swears by the advantages of Fencestay. In this article, we will explore…

Testing the Strength of Cutters and Pliers: Which Ones Came Out on Top?  Tim Thompson tells all

When it comes to working with wires, particularly with Farm Fencing, every professional knows the importance of having reliable cutters and pliers. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned contractor, the tools you choose can make a significant difference in your efficiency and safety. In a recent YouTube video, Tim Thompson conducted a thorough…

The Benefits of Fencestay Rural Fencing Solutions

Steve Casamento’s long-loved industry of engineering began in 1991. Where simple mechanical solutions became his passion. Having owned a rural property himself and working with friends who operate rural properties, Steve saw a need for an easier way to create a wire fence end assembly. Steve spent years perfecting Fencestay products to provide the safest,…

Why Australian Made is important

Fencestay – An Australian Company Developing World-Leading Farm Fencing Equipment We’re thrilled to tell you about Fencestay, a progressive Australian-made business that takes pride in its industry-leading farm fencing solutions. Steve Casamento, the owner and developer of Fencestay products, firmly believes in the importance of being an Australian-made business. Why? Because it means keeping and…

Fencestay Distributor news – introducing Farmers Mate, Western Australia

Mike Rus, the owner of Farmers Mate, connects Western Australian farmers with the most innovative agricultural products to make life safer and easier.  The Farmers Mate range of products has been carefully selected and tested to ensure the ultimate quality and results for clients.  Farmers Mate are specialists in understanding the unique demands of Western…

According to the Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Agriculture, Australian Agriculture production is on the rise.

‘Agriculture accounts for over half of Australia’s land use so the sustainable management of this land is an important issue for both farm businesses and the general public. Australia has a diverse agricultural, fisheries and forestry sector, producing a range of crop and livestock products. The gross value of agricultural, fisheries and forestry production has…

Steve Casamento understands farming

Farming and agriculture has never been easier! Fencestay is celebrated by those who use it.  Fencestay is ideal for intensive grazing, cell/strip grazing, disaster and bushfire recovery zones, flood recovery zones and areas that are difficult to access just to name a few benefits, providing Farmers with an easier way to work with fencing. In…

Fencestay welcomes AG Warehouse – Koroit and Colac, our newest distributors.

AG WarehouseTM is a business focused on the sustainability and profitability of its rural farmers. AG WarehouseTM offers a range of farm services to assist their farming and rural customers business profitability. They advise and support from agronomist’s to feeding programs to on farm delivery and supplies, including Fencestay fencing supplies. They aim to provide a range…

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